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Inner Light Coaching

This process is an honest, loving journey into who you are meant to be.

Our sessions will involve a deep exploration into the patterns that dampen your inner light, complicate your path to your goals and limit your own sense of possibility. This process will be an honest, loving journey into who you are meant to be. 


Drawing on extensive knowledge of family of origin and ancestral patterns and influences and how those patterns declare themselves in your current state, we will realign your journey with understanding, compassion, and change. 


It is YOU we seek in this process.  Follow the spiral upward into your true purpose and step into your light. We will use a combination of best practice research in communication, mindfulness, meditation, self compassion, relationships, as well as connection to spirit, guides, and the hermetic laws of attraction and manifesting. Always there is a little magik involved! The work is yours and I will serve as your empyrean guide.


My fees are based on numeric patterning that has been successful for me.

Length of service:  10 Hrs.

Service Fee:  $911


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Let's Get The Energy (in person)

Sometimes we just need a little peace.

There are times when we feel the weight of the world upon us. Sometimes we just need a little peace. Physically we may experience dis-ease. 


Healers, philosophers and teachers across time have understood that the world is composed of subtle energies. And it is these hard to measure but all-powerful energies that make up our reality, impact our emotional and physical functioning, and guide our way. Hermetic principles connect the physical, mental and spiritual planes; this connective awareness helping us to align with our self and the world.  And…It is a beautiful place to be – balanced and aligned with our highest vibration. But this world can be heavy, shifting that vibration and interfering with this balance, leading to discomfort and dis-ease.


In an energy healing session, a person’s well-being is believed to be influenced by their energy flow and level of vibration. When your energy field is blocked or weighed down it is harder for you to function optimally. When your energy field is cleared and healed, that healing transforms into an overall physical and mental improvement. 


Using a lovely balance of reiki principles and energy, chakra alignment practices, meditation and spiritual guides, I offer energy clearing and balancing, infusion of the highest, lightest energy wrapped in Universal Love. 


Services include:

Energy Assessment and Clearing – Includes one session of assessment, clearing, balancing and energy infusion, along with a small gemstone infused with identified properties and energy from the session just for you, to support and enhance healing beyond the session. 


My fees are based on numeric patterning that has been successful for me.

Length of service:  1 Hrs.

Service Fee:  $119


Let's Get The Energy (virtual)

Sometimes we just need a little peace.

Same services listed for 'In Person' only via Zoom/FaceTime/Telephone


My fees are based on numeric patterning that has been successful for me.

Length of service:  1 Hrs.

Service Fee:  $91.10

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