End of life transitions are as personal and unique as the life lived. The transition from this life to the next, or the transition from being alive to being dead, is a sacred passage to be celebrated and embraced, but can also often be a time of anxiety and fear. Opening the conversation around passing with the person facing their own death can relieve anxiety for the person and their loved ones.
Death is as natural as birth, our essence knows how to make the cosmic journey into this world and how to release our body with its last breath. Even in the natural flow, death is often met with resistance. As humans, we have made attachments and promises in this world. Our heart is deeply invested in the life we’ve made, the experiences we love and the people and purpose we have built our life around. Our will resists the leaving.
The term doula means “one who serves.” End of life doulas provide non-medical, practical, emotional, and spiritual support for the individual facing end of life, and their loved ones saying goodbye.
My goal is to help those facing life-limiting illness, as well as those planning for their eventual transition, in creating a safe and supportive place to explore the opportunities that exist to live the remaining time more fully, even in the face of death. With an open heart, I offer guidance, resources, and the companionship on this mystical journey.
My Offerings Include:
The Practical
Advance Care Directives create an opportunity to assist you in making and documenting important decisions related to end of life care, having conversations with family and loved ones to understand and support your decisions, and to choose a person to represent and speak for you who will strive to honor your wishes.
Respite Care provides an emotional break and personal time for those caring for a loved one, offering rest, release from overwhelm, the time to focus on other tasks of living, while knowing that your loved one is receiving attention and care.
The Social and Emotional
Developing an end of life living plan that is personal and meaningful to you
Facilitating Legacy and Life Review
Comforting and supporting
Living Funeral Planning,
Holding Space,
Energy Healing and Inner Light Coaching
Facilitating Post-Death Home Organization provides support with the process of going through your belongings with you or the belongings of the loved one who has passed, making decisions regarding what to keep, what to give away, what to display, and what may be part of your legacy, as well as closing accounts, organizing passwords and account access, and facilitating emotional closure.
Grief and Loss Support